How to Fall in Love with Movement While Rejecting Anti-Fat Bias with Louise Green

Have you ever had the courage to tell a fitness professional that weight loss isn't one of your goals? The confused, blank stares that often follow can make it feel impossible not to just walk right out the door.
Weight bias is a major issue in the fitness industry, and we're tackling it head-on with Louise Green, a pioneering fitness professional and advocate for size inclusivity. In this episode, Louise shares her journey of becoming a trainer while challenging outdated norms and fighting for more inclusive fitness spaces.
We explore the importance of shifting focus from societal expectations to how movement makes us feel, staying focused on self-compassion and anti-weight bias education.
Join us as we redefine fitness, emphasizing intrinsic motivation over weight loss and unpacking the damaging link between weight and health. There are a million reasons to move your incredible body! Let’s explore which ones are your why!
Connect with Louise
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Instagram: @Louisegreen_bigfitgirlLinks Mentioned:
EP 25: Redefining Strength in Midlife and Menopause with Dr. Maria Luque
EP 59: Menopause, Movement and Body Image with Dr. Maria Luque
EP 69: How to Un-Diet Your Relationship with Movement in Midlife with Christine Chessman
EP 80: Movement for More with Jamie Carbaugh
Jenn Salib Huber: 0:00
Hi and welcome to the Midlife Feast, the podcast for women who are hungry for more in this season of life. I'm your host, Dr Jenn Salib-Huber. I'm an intuitive eating dietitian and naturopathic doctor and I help women manage menopause without dieting and food rules. Come to my table, listen and learn from me trusted guest experts in women's health and interviews with women just like you. Each episode brings to the table juicy conversations designed to help you feast on midlife. And if you're looking for more information about menopause, nutrition and intuitive eating, check out the Midlife Feast Community, my monthly membership that combines my no-nonsense approach that you all love to nutrition with community, so that you can learn from me and others who can relate to the cheers and challenges of midlife.
Breaking Down Weight Bias in Fitness with Louise Green
Jenn Salib Huber: 0:49
Have you ever walked into a gym and maybe it took a lot of courage and a lot of gumption just to show up? And have you ever walked in and thought I don't belong or I don't feel like I belong? Or maybe your interaction with the trainers or the fitness professionals at the gym assume that weight loss is your only goal? We're talking about anti-weight bias today, and my guest is Louise Green, who is a fitness professional and trainer from BC in Canada, and she is leading the charge on anti-weight bias education and training for fitness professionals, and she also does work with people and women who are trying to redefine their relationship with movement.
Jenn Salib Huber: 1:26
But, as you'll hear, we have a really great conversation about how this bias is getting in the way of not just our movement but enjoying the movement and our relationship with movement, and we really need to focus on how do we feel in our bodies when we're moving them and redefining our why. So there are lots of little nuggets of wisdom here. Louise is a very experienced fitness pro and I know that this conversation is going to be helpful to anyone, but especially for people who might still be struggling to find their place in the fitness world. Hi, louise, welcome to the.
Louise Green: 2:05
Midlife Feast. Thanks for having me. I'm excited to be here.
Jenn Salib Huber: 2:10
I'm really excited for our conversation, but before we dive into that, just take a minute. Tell us a little bit about you and who you are and what you do.
Louise Green: 2:18
So by trade, I'm a fitness professional. I became a fitness professional in 2007. And I was in my largest body at that point. I just had my son and I just wanted to be a fitness professional so badly but I felt like I really didn't fit. So when I started my career, I made it my business to make sure that not only do people on the other end of the surface feel like they fit, but also fitness professionals can feel like they fit being a fitness professional in this industry.
So it's been 17, 18 years now and I have had just such a great career training people of all shapes and sizes, and now moved into the education realm of training fitness professionals in how to work with people in a size, inclusive way, and I'm just really championing that, that mission that we create more inclusive spaces.
Jenn Salib Huber: 3:15
Oh my gosh. Well, I definitely love that. I think anybody who listens to the podcast will know that that's very aligned with with my work and values. My daughter was born in 2007. So I can always do the math quickly on what year that is, because she turns 18 in July.
Jenn Salib Huber: 3:30
But you know, there's a huge gap in not just the representation but even just the acknowledgement of the lack of representation. You know the conversation around brands I won't name any, but, like you know, brands of fitness wear and athleisure that only promote certain bodies. I mean all of that just reinforces that. There's this idea of like, there's a one way to have a body, or a right way to have a body, or there's a look that you need to adhere to if you're going to move in a way that's considered exercise. So I'm very excited to break down all of those stereotypes. But so when we're talking about bias anti-fat bias, weight bias some people may not know exactly what that means. They may have heard of it in healthcare setting or, you know, maybe they've kind of heard those terms. How do you define those?
Challenging Weight Bias in Gyms and Fitness Spaces
Louise Green: 4:24
So I define weight bias in a way where there is already a preconceived notion or a perception stereotype about a specific person based on how they look, and so that comes in a big range of ways that we see in the fitness industry, for one, a lot of fitness professionals are trained to. How we're trained is when you see somebody that's in a larger body, the mission is to get them into a smaller body. So right off the bat, that's the education and it's everywhere in our culture, everywhere, I mean, we only promote smaller bodies.
When we're talking about beauty and fashion and and what it means to be a woman, a good mom and all those things, like, it's very often somebody that's in a what we call a normative body. So we don't see and we don't celebrate larger bodied individuals. And so our societal message and our culture in general is pretty riddled in weight bias because we're kind of shoving that aside, like let's pretend like that doesn't exist.
Jenn Salib Huber: 5:33
And what you said at the just at the beginning about when people in a larger body show up in it to a gym or a class, or they even talk about exercise with a fitness professional or a class, or they even talk about exercise with a fitness professional.
Jenn Salib Huber: 5:48
I would say that in my experience, probably at least 80% of the time, the trainer on the other side assumes that, like you said, that weight loss is the goal.
Jenn Salib Huber: 5:54
My sister, who listens to the podcast, but sporadically so, whenever I talk about her I feel like I'm like leaving her an Easter egg, but I know that she won't mind me talking about this, but she joined a gym a couple of years ago for her mental health Two young kids, busy life was really interested in kind of adding fitness back in, and every time that they rotated new trainers at the gym she would have to really kind of advocate and say like hey, this isn't my goal, my goal is strength, my goal is time to myself, my goal is my mental health and energy and mood and sleep and all those things.
Jenn Salib Huber: 6:28
I don't care what the scale is doing, I don't care what's happening there. And often she was met with this like disbelief, like wait a minute. What do you mean? That you're not trying to lose weight. So it's not even just that. There are people out there who probably don't go to a gym because they're worried about facing that, but many of them are probably surprised to see how pervasive it is and that they have to defend. They're like no, I'm here for all the other reasons, right.
Louise Green: 6:57
And I think it takes a very, you know, confident individual to have to keep fighting for themselves. And it's a lot of labor, right, like it's a lot of labor. You go in to have that time to yourself and to you know, get away from the kids and have your alone time and all the reasons that you just expressed. And then you're met with having to like, have this output of labor of like what you're looking for, because you're met with this weight bias that people are making so many assumptions of yourself and, to your point, about 80% that is actually the accurate statistic around. Yeah, it is, it's. It's cited as 80% of fitness professionals work under, operate under, weight bias.
Jenn Salib Huber: 7:40
Yeah, I mean it doesn't surprise me because I feel like it. You know most, most of the conversations that I have where people might be telling me about their experiences relate to that. But I think the other thing that it does too is that it really reduces the role of a fitness professional to this one thing. You know that they probably feel like, oh, everybody who comes to me in a larger body wants to lose weight, so they may feel the pressure to do that, when really I think it would be valuable and meaningful to even that kind of their careers, their own experience of being a trainer, being a coach, to be able to not assume that. But that takes a lot of deprogramming, I'm assuming.
Louise Green: 8:21
Yeah well, I've now certified probably just over 700 fitness professionals and I met with so many times people that just are like, oh my god, I, I didn't know I like. And so when I talk about the fitness professionals, it's not in a negative way, like oh, those pieces of trash kind of people. It's not that because we're all living in this society, right, so we're all dealing with this bias perception that's out there, and so a lot of people it's so normalized that so many people don't realize that it is actually causing harm. Mm, hmm, let's talk about that.
Jenn Salib Huber: 9:00
Let's talk about the harm. That's the real, like that. That's what we're really worried about here is the potential harm. So what's going on?
How Weight Bias Impacts Long-Term Health and Fitness
Louise Green: 9:24
thing, from being worked too hard to assuming somebody's goals, to not listening to what their goals are. I mean, I've heard, I've heard the gamut, I've heard it all, and so we'll let's just say we'll call those microaggressions. And so when somebody continuously, like your sister, has to go into those spaces and deal with that, then it just becomes like I don't even want to anymore. So now we've got an industry that's there to help individuals gain better health and fitness. That's actually pushing people out.
Louise Green: 9:50
And so when people don't exercise, I'm doing a project with the UK right now where they've broken down the dollar amount that it costs the government when an individual in a larger body doesn't move their body, and so it's a significant amount of money over the course of somebody's lifespan.
Louise Green: 10:09
And let's just put money aside for a second. It's more about their longevity of life and their quality of life. I mean, I have some clients at this point that don't have the energy, stamina or muscles to move their bodies around, so their quality of life shrinks down into this place of I just stay at home all the time now. And so our industry has to do better. It has to open up the doors to kind of understand the lived experiences of other people and not just project onto our clients what our lived experiences are.
So for a lot of fitness professionals, their lived experiences they've never had a larger body and therefore they think it's easy to not have one. I don't have a larger body, so then there's this perception where the weight bias comes in again. You must be lazy, you must overeat, you must do this, you must do that, and if we can just get you moving and eating less, then you're going to be just like me, which is, you know, selling some.
Jenn Salib Huber: 12:10
It's selling something that can't they can never deliver on.
Jenn Salib Huber: 12:14
You know, we can't diet and exercise our way into someone else's body and what works for one person is not going to work for someone else in every possible way. So we're really kind of getting into the meat of you know why some of these messages are failing women in all stages of life. But you know, in midlife especially, what I find is that it is a time when people start thinking about food and movement differently and I think that's a great thing about food and movement differently, and I think that's a great thing.
And so sometimes it are. Often it's the first time that people are exploring a relationship with movement that isn't about weight loss. It's the first time that they're like oh, I'm actually now thinking about, 20 years from now, how I want to move, how I want to maintain my independence. What are some of the other ways that this anti-diet or this anti-weight bias impacts the relationships with movement, especially for people who maybe are coming into it for the first time or coming back after an unhealthy relationship with movement?
Unlearning Diet Culture: Finding Joy in Movement
Louise Green: 13:10
Yeah, so that's a lot of my clientele. They come in kind of under this diet culture guise or they have an awareness that they no longer want to be in that space. So they want to try something new. And I think when you're continuously going into the spaces, as we discussed, that don't operate in an anti weight by or anti diet culture modality. They're just going to hit the wall and go out the door again, and so that does impact long-term health and and, frankly, longevity of life.
Louise Green: 13:42
But what often happens is people will turn that weight bias internally. So they they start to operate with internalized weight bias, which is kind of that thinking along the lines of there's something wrong with me and I mean I very much lived that for, you know, my whole 20s. There was something wrong with me. I was in and out of Weight Watchers, you know, for over a decade I felt like a complete failure. It diminished my mental health. It diminished my physical health because I was starving and trying to exercise and tired all the time. You know, it was just very, very negative.
Louise Green: 14:22
And so when people want to move differently and they want to go into a space and do things differently and they're still met with that it's just going to bounce them out the door. So some of the things that I recommend is just really doing due diligence and your homework. And I want to encourage people to interview trainers when you're hiring like. There's this kind of analogy that I offer that when we're hiring somebody to, like, clean the gutters, we do our due diligence, we we, you know, find out, you know if there's any reviews online and and all of that stuff. But when we're hiring a fitness professional, especially, there's any reviews online and and all of that stuff.
Practical Tips for Choosing Inclusive Fitness Professionals
Louise Green: 14:57
But when we're hiring a fitness professional, especially for people in a larger body, there's often this perception that that person knows more than I do. Because of this hierarchy that we see in fitness professionals, especially with larger bodied individuals and that's again weight bias creeping in the door. It's people. That's internalized weight bias.
Louise Green: 15:16
Clearly that person knows more because they're in this. They've got the ideal body that I'm trying to achieve, when nobody knows more about you and your body than you, and so it's really important for people to kind of get an idea of what their ideal health and fitness model looks like for them. Don't go with what the industry is telling you. Don't go with what the industry is telling you, don't go with what society is telling you. Go with what truly you think will be a sustainable practice that feels aligned and joyful with your vision of health and wellness. And once you have that, then you go out and do the due diligence to find that professional, and sometimes you might have to work with somebody online because it might not be readily available in your community, but it's worth it.
Jenn Salib Huber: 16:05
Yeah, and it's so true. And I think that I think we kind of think that when we're talking to a fitness professional like you were saying that they're professionals, that they know better, but there's often this, what feels like a power dynamic, right, and you know an imbalance in that power dynamic of like, well, I can't ask them or I shouldn't ask them, and if they look the part, there's kind of that false authority that you know comes through and it's like, well, they must know what they're doing, because look at their body, but I mean, your body isn't your business card.
I say that, I'm sure you say that and lots of people say that, and we need to stop judging people's value or judging the relationship that we think we can have with them based on what they look like, right, like that's part of letting go of this weight bias is to no longer be looking at what someone looks like as part of our assessment.
Louise Green: 16:57
I guess looks like as part of our assessment, I guess yeah, in all areas of life, like that's where our own internalized weight bias can be. Well, if that person's in this lean body, then they know more than I do that power dynamic that you talk about comes from a place of an inside devalue of being in a larger body.
Jenn Salib Huber: 17:19
Yeah, and I mean speaking of values just to kind of tie that in, because we do a lot of work about around that in the midlife feast community, which is, you know, knowing what your values are before you approach anything. So what is important to you? And just like a vacation, to use an analogy, you know what I want to do on vacation and what you want to do on vacation are going to be very different based on our values. And so the same is true with philosophies and fitness and how people approach fitness.
You want to find somebody who in some way doesn't have to be, you know, like a really deep level, but in some way can align with your values. And so, if you value flexibility, if you value being outdoors, if you value connection with other people, finding people who can also help you with that, so that they're not offering you, you know, a 60 minute boot camp at 6am if that's not aligned with your values.
Louise Green: 18:15
Yeah, it's really important for longevity.
Louise Green: 18:17
I mean, if you don't align those values and align with the vision and the practice of the professional, it will be fairly short lived. And if you're working with an individual that doesn't understand the movement patterns, you know, in the, in the certification that I teach, we talk about a lot about the spatial differences that larger bodies take, and one of my least favorite things that we hear often in the fitness industry is good form and bad form and different bodies take different forms. So if you have a professional that's saying to you that's not good form but doesn't understand the spatial differences and how different bodies take form, then they probably are not going to be the right individual.
There's a lot of like intricacies of working with different size bodies, even how they fit into equipment, even how they the rate of perceived exertion, for example, like when you're moving more mass, it's going to be higher and so it's just it's really important to know that that person knows what they're doing, so that you have a positive experience, so that that creates the intrinsic motivation to then create a lifestyle.
Jenn Salib Huber: 19:35
Yeah, and intrinsic motivation is the name of the game, right? I mean we don't want to do it for external reward or validation, we want to do it because it feels good, because we enjoy doing it, or we want to do it Kind of shifting gears a little bit and talking about how movement can help us to reconnect with our bodies.
So people, who I mean anybody in any size body, can experience this. Anybody, especially who has struggled with body image or body dissatisfaction, often feels really disconnected from their body. That relationship has not been on good terms for a long time and so when we're trying to redefine our relationship with food and movement and our bodies, I think that the practice with food and movement and our bodies, I think that the practice of having a movement practice, can really help you reconnect.
Jenn Salib Huber: 20:21
And if somebody doesn't understand what you're trying to do and they still think that you're trying to change it, it can feel like you're going in different directions. But what are some of the ways that? Maybe somebody who is coming into fitness for the first time, or coming back to fitness or movement for whatever reason, what are some of the ways that maybe somebody who is coming into fitness for the first time, or coming back to fitness or movement for you know, whatever reason, what are some of the ways that they can practice that, that body connection, that body kindness, that body respect and in a way that feels like it's moving them in the right direction?
Reconnecting with Your Body Through Compassionate Movement
Louise Green: 20:50
One of the things that we talk about a lot in my coaching programs are is self compassion, and so I still see very often when people come in that I didn't do, I didn't I'm behind. I didn't do it as it was prescribed, I didn't, didn't, didn't. And I want to shift that to I did. We tend to focus so much on the negative, and so at the end of each week in the program we have this weekly reflection where I want to hear about the, I want to hear about your challenges, but I want to hear about the accomplishments that you see, so that we can shift that to focusing on what the body and you did rather than what it didn't.
And also, when you're doing any kind of technical exercise particularly I'll use weightlifting for an example, because that's my passion you really do need to think about what your body's doing when you're doing it, particularly if your loads get a little heavier over time. You have to. It forces that mind-body connection to you know, and quite literally, the brain signaling to the proprioceptors. That's like literally happening in your body that there is no other choice but to connect to your body.
Louise Green: 22:07
And I think, as people start to see success and this is why the environment that you put yourself in is very important, because success is the key to everything. When you start to feel success, you start to feel like, wow, my body just did that. How many times do I hear I can't believe that my body is doing this? And that's when we start to really connect that the body is quite miraculous. It does do what we kind of put in front of it. It shows up.
Louise Green: 22:40
Most. Always it's more the mind that is taking it down. So if we could get the mind on board in connection with the body, and physical fitness is a great way to couple those together to start to build that trust relationship. And so when we start to see success and we start to get that intrinsic motivation and we start to get, you know, some consistency, that's when the trust comes into, like I'm doing this, I'm actually doing this and I am starting to feel proud of what my body can do and it's no longer about what it looks like, it's about what you know, what it's showing up and doing for me.
Jenn Salib Huber: 23:21
One of the things that I love watching or seeing in people when they're changing their relationship with food and they're moving away from restriction and control and avoiding foods, is the playful curiosity of what do I actually like? Oh my gosh, I don't have to follow these rules anymore. Do I actually like this food? Do I not like this food? And I think that just that experience of being able to I call it leading with satisfaction with food, but with movement, leading with like, if all movement counts and if all movement fits and I can choose what I enjoy, it's a game changer, right?
People discover that they, you know, don't love whatever it was they've been trying to do for the last five years, but they do love this new fun thing that they're trying and and it just makes it so much more accessible. You know, if we're talking about accessibility, you know you don't have to go to a gym, you don't have to have equipment for movement, to quote unquote count.
Louise Green: 24:15
Yeah, I often talk about fitness idealism, just like beauty idealism. There's a fitness idealism that's out there and it's running and it's CrossFit and it's gyms and it doesn't have to be any of that.
Why All Movement Counts: Redefining Exercise in Midlife
Jenn Salib Huber: 24:30
Yeah, just like healthy doesn't have to include a salad, but it can, but it doesn't have to.
Louise Green: 24:35
It doesn't have to.
Jenn Salib Huber: 24:36
It doesn't have to. If you don't like it, you don't have to eat salad. And so how do you, you know, incorporate this philosophy of finding joy in movement and how do you convince people and I'm and I'm saying this because often the the hardest thing for people to overcome, or the hardest thing for people to separate, is weight and health. And so, when people are working towards adding in movement or trying to get back into movement, how do you convince them to do it for reasons other than weight loss? How do you convince them to or persuade them I guess might be a better word that it's worth it, even if the scale doesn't change, that it's worth it?
Louise Green: 25:17
Well, we talk a lot about different benchmarks. So you know, I think people do want to see some kind of a benchmark, particularly in my programs when we're doing like a progressive 12 week weightlifting program. So we talk about different benchmarks and we always talk about how how much strength people are gaining, how much they feel better in their body, how they're sleeping better, how it's reducing their stress.
You know, for some people that are on medications it's sometimes reducing their medications. I mean, there's a whole you know list of ways that we can measure things in different ways. But I still have that we can measure things in different ways. But I still have a lot of the time people say I know I shouldn't, but I still am waiting for the scale to change and it's such an unlearning and an unpacking that no 12 week program or, you know, even six month program is probably going to do it's.
Louise Green: 26:14
It's kind of like this ongoing work that we do. Um, when you've especially when you've lived for so many years in that in that way and you've grown up in that way, a lot of my clients have been put on diets as children, you know, and have to deal with the trauma of that being told at a very young age that they weren't. You know know how it translated was.
This isn't good enough. So there's a lot to unpack there that I am not the only fit you know the professional in the room that should be dealing with but so it's about finding joy and also finding other benchmarks and really doing the work behind unpacking all of that stuff that we've had to, you know, deal with all our lives is particularly if you grew up in the 80s, 90s- you know Jane Fonda yeah, really like Weight Watchers was at its height and you know, I had a mother that was dieting my whole life, who I didn't perceive, and still don't perceive, as being in a larger body.
Jenn Salib Huber: 27:23
Yeah, I mean the culture that we grew up in. I'm almost 48. So I assume that anybody listening to this podcast is on either side of that give or take 10 or 15 years. But I think anybody who grew up in the 80s or 90s really was indoctrinated with the belief that you exercise to burn calories and you diet as part of that. Like diet and exercise, like they just went together right, and if you weren't losing weight it's because you were exercising enough. And if you were exercising and not losing weight, well then you needed to tighten up your diet.
So like the two were inextricably linked. And so for anybody who's listening who thinks that it's impossible to separate them or I had a really interesting story that I'm actually going to share from last week Somebody rediscovered that they actually like movement, but for years amongst their friends they were known as the person who hates exercise, the person who hates any kind of movement, hates to get sweaty, hates to go on hikes, hates to do this.
Jenn Salib Huber: 28:22
But she realized that she hated it because it never helped her lose weight, that she always felt like she was failing. And as we started to explore this new relationship with food and movement and we talk in my community a lot about just like lowering the bar. You know, like five minutes counts, all movement counts. She discovered that there were lots of things that she actually really enjoyed, and so it really is that unlearning, like you were saying. We call it undieting in my community, so letting go of the beliefs that aren't serving you anymore, but unlearning why they haven't served you as well. It's not just letting them go, it's unlearning why they haven't served you. Yeah.
Louise Green: 28:58
A lot of what I teach to it, particularly to the fitness professionals, is if somebody is in it for the weight loss first of all, exercise alone will never get somebody to lose weight.
Louise Green: 29:12
So as fitness professionals, I don't believe we have any business even talking about weight loss to people because, it's out of our scope of practice, practice, but it's also the first way that people derail their exercises because it doesn't equate to weight loss and it never will, unless you're in a restrictive eating plan which we have no business prescribing in the first place. So if we are in that place of and often what happens with me when I lift weights is I gain weight and so for many years that was like what's happening. I can't believe this is happening. Well now, I know that that's kind of a normal thing You're putting on lean body mass, but I think that that is the first way to derail exercise, is it? And then it gets you into this loop, this cycle, and I mean that comes with the food.
Louise Green: 29:57
To that. I mean I very much live that word. Try to do the program couldn, couldn't do it. My body doesn't want to be starving and I would succumb to it and then go into a binge, right, and the exercise was full on five days a week, four days a week, because that's what I thought I was supposed to do and I couldn't manage it. It wasn't sustainable. So I would be in this loop for years upon years, upon years wasn't sustainable.
Jenn Salib Huber: 30:24
So I would be in this loop for years upon years, upon years and think of all the apps and tracking programs that tell you to. You know, put in your exercise so you can earn extra food, Like it's just yeah, it has. It's just crazy. I love everything that you have said and shared with us today. Is there anything else that you feel like is a really important take home message for either fitness professionals or for anybody who is new to this or trying to redefine their relationship with movement?
Louise Green: 30:49
I think the biggest thing I want people to know, particularly women, is this isn't your fault If you feel like you're a failure.
Louise Green: 30:58
We are kind of living in an industry, in a society that actually isn't setting everyone up for success. We tend to narrow in on a particular person in the fitness culture vibe, through the marketing, through the services and I won't say all fitness professionals and gyms but a lot of it is catering to a specific person, but a lot of it is catering to a specific person. And so I think that we need to align our fitness industry more with kind of a medical industry rather than a beauty industry, because this is for joy, and when I say medical, I mean mental health and physical health.
I think a lot of times when we talk about physical movement, the mental health game isn't mentioned, and how diminishing, being in a stuck cycle of failure, how damaging that is to somebody's mental health, that is never discussed. So I just want people to know that you're often in a realm of where success isn't even possible, and I know for myself. I blamed myself for that for many years isn't even possible, and I know for myself.
Jenn Salib Huber: 32:06
I blamed myself for that for many years. That's an excellent, excellent point, and thank you for bringing that up. I always ask my guests what do you think is the missing ingredient in midlife?
Celebrating Women in Midlife: A Call for Visibility and Joy
Louise Green: 32:13
The missing ingredient in midlife. I think we need to celebrate women in midlife more. We need to see more women in midlife in advertising. I mean, you know, if you look at some statistics, women in midlife are at their most powerful position. You know, kids are kind of getting older. We're, you know, leaning into more expert status in our careers. We're opening up more freedom. It's a very, very powerful point of life and I think that there's this kind of peak where then women start to, in the media's eyes and societal eyes, become kind of like invisible and kind of like not relevant, and I think that that couldn't be further from the truth. So the missing ingredient for me is just more celebration of women in midlife.
Jenn Salib Huber: 33:02
I'm here for it. I love it. If people want to learn more about you, where can they find you, Louise?
Louise Green: 33:08
They can find me at bigfitgirlcom or Instagram is where I spend a lot of my time. Louise Green underscore bigfitgirl.
Jenn Salib Huber: 33:17
Amazing and we'll have the links in the show notes too. Thank you so much for joining us today. Thank you so much Thanks for tuning in to this week's episode of the midlife feast For more non diet, health, hormone and general midlife support. Click the link in the show notes to learn how you can work and learn from me, and if you enjoyed this episode and found it helpful, please consider leaving a review or subscribing, because it helps other women just like you find us and feel supported in midlife.
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